Gravenger Hunt 2.4 Maple Valley Cancelled

Unfortunately, I'm pulling the pin on GH 2.4.  

Between GH 2.3 and now, the insurance I was using decided to stop covering off-road events.  Another potential insurer doesn't cover bike events on open roads, and there were segments of the course that required a transition on paved open roads.  A rock and a hard place without enough time to dynamite through.  

Everything else was coming together well, and I put together a course that was fun to ride and challenging to navigate, but still simpler in some ways than GH 1.3 Ravensdale with similar terrain.  The Short Course was going to be good for lighter entertainment.  I'm capable of learning and improving.

I'm hoping to get my act together and resurrect the work I've done as Gravenger Hunt 3.1 Maple Valley in the President's Day timeframe.

Stay tuned?  Get out and ride!  

Happy holidays!  


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